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December Yin & Soundbath Workshop – A moment of calm

Friday, 1st December / 7pm - 9pm / Studio 33

We are taking a pause from the busyness this month can bring with our theme “A Moment of Calm”.

As we move into December, we are taking a moment of calm in what can be a very busy time of year.

More than that, after having moved through 334 days of the year already you’re likely running close to empty. When we look at nature, Winter is a time for hibernation, rest and slowing down, but for us humans we have possibly one of our busiest months! So it’s important to take rest whenever we can so we can enjoy the festivities fully.

Amidst the merry chaos, grant yourself the gift of pause. Let go of your burdens, be it the stresses of the season or the weight of the year gone by. It’s a moment for shedding what no longer serves you, allowing a peaceful stillness to settle within.

As winter beckons, join me in a space of reflection and reprieve. This session offers you the chance to relax, breathe and a chance embrace the quiet calm within.

The Yin practice will allow us to arrive and slowly find peace and stillness, so we can soften and let go. Then the healing vibrations from the crystal sound bath will help you drift deeper into relaxation and a sense of calm as you move forward without whatever you have left behind.

INVESTMENT: Price £30 p/p.

Limited places of 9 are available!

Thank you for a wonderful evening Jess.

It was so beautiful – I saw colours tonight which was a surprise and a treat ! Everything you do, you do so well – and is a huge part of my well being so thank you.

Yoga Student