You Are Registered!

You have secured your spot for my upcoming free webinar for Yoga Teachers! Well done for taking this step to teaching with more confidence and authenticity.

Keep scrolling for more information about what to do next.

And don’t forget, add my email address ( to your contacts so you don’t miss follow up emails about the webinar.

What to do next:

  1. Book the 4th July at 7pm out of your diary before anything else get’s booked in!
  2. You will shortly receive an email with the Zoom link and passcode you need to join the webinar in your inbox. Keep your eyes peeled for it and if it doesn’t arrive check your spam or any other folders in your email. Add my email address to your contacts to ensure they land in your inbox!
  3. Make sure you are registered with zoom account and it’s the most up-to-date version, otherwise it might try to do an update when you are trying to join me live!
  4. On the day, settle somewhere you won’t be disturbed, grab a pen and paper and perhaps a tea and link the joining link (remembering to note the passcode too!) and enjoy the webinar!

In the meantime, why not check out my Ignite Mentorship Programme for yoga teachers here. Doors are open for my 6th programme and we get started soon!